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James Arnold Taylor

Photo Ops
Sat / Sun

Autographs will be available on site at CCR

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James Arnold Taylor

Photo Ops

Autographs will be available on site at CCR

Photo Op

Please pick the time that fits best into your schedule.

Photo Op Extras:

TeamUp - Heroes of the Clone Wars

Eckstein, Lanter & Taylor

Please pick the time that fits best into your schedule.

Photo Op Extras:

TeamUp - Guardians of the Republic

Baker, Eckstein, Lanter & Taylor

Please pick the time that fits best into your schedule.

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TeamUp - Jedi Knights

Eckstein, Gray, Lanter & Taylor

Please pick the time that fits best into your schedule.

Photo Op Extras:

TeamUp - Master & Apprentice

Lanter & Taylor

Please pick the time that fits best into your schedule.

Photo Op Extras: